Event details
- Saturday | November 25, 2017
- 1:00 am - 4:00 am
- 982 Medical Road ~ Millersburg, PA 17061
- 717 648-9306
- $$15.00Registration
Grace United Methodist Church ~ November 25, 2017
Incudes: paint, supplies and canvas or wood (your choice) to paint upon. Free Gift Wrapping while you paint.
Childcare will be available for a donation. Snacks & hot cocoa will be available for a donation.
This will be a GUMC Youth ran event and the painting will be led by our very own up and coming Artist Delaney Bellis. Come join us to get into the Holiday spirit as we fellowship together with hot cocoa and snacks, painting and cheer. Let us help you get ahead this Christmas season by wrapping your gifts too!
To register, obtain a form at: www.gracemillersburg.org ~ or call Alicia Spicher at 717 648-9306
The proceeds raised from this event will go the GUMC Youth Mission Trip. Thank you for your participation in our event.